
The Top 10 Benefits of Earthing (Grounding)

By Sula T

Nothing I was taught during my medical training prepared me for the magic that is the essence of life”.

Dr Laura Koniver aka the intuition physician

Today I want to talk about Earthing or grounding as it’s also called.

Sounds woo… I know…. but there’s a reason why we function best, when we are in connection with the natural frequencies of Mother Earth.

So What is Earthing?

Earthing or grounding is the practice of intentionally restoring our electrical connection to the earth as we are bio-electrical beings, designed to be in contact with the earth, through skin contact with grass, earth, sand and rock.

Electrons are donated to us by Mother Earth which is a massive reservoir, teaming with charged free electrons and your feet have thousands of receptors that function as your plug-in to the earth – similar to how you would plug an appliance into an electric socket.

So lets take a brief look at what the medical literature has to say about the health benefits of earthing:

The two main reasons earthing is important are:

  1. Being grounded makes everything function better by stabilizing our internal electrical environment as the earths reservoir of free electrons neutralize free radicals in the body that can lead to chronic disease.
  2. Being grounded to the low frequency DC energy of the earth helps reduce the levels of background electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile phones, computers, WiFi, bluetooth, masts, powerlines and electrical appliances that induce voltage in our bodies as the earth effectively shields us through its large electrical field.

An article published in The Journal of Enviromental and Public Health in 2015 – states:

“Multi-disciplinary research has revealed that electrically conductive contact of the human body with the surface of the Earth (grounding or earthing) produces intriguing effects on physiology and health. Such effects relate to inflammation, immune responses, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases”.

Earthing the ground breaking book (see below) published in 2010 that’s been translated into more than a dozen languages describes the benefits of earthing and how earthing is our natural state.

However our current way of life – especially that of wearing rubber-soled shoes insulates us from making direct contact with the electromagnetic surface of the earth. It’s been found that this state of disconnection from the earth tends to make us pro-inflammatory.

10 Benefits of Earthing

Earthing offers many health benefits (way too many to explore here) that include reduced inflammation, improved sleep, enhanced blood flow, improved tissue and cell repair, increased heart rate variability, improved electrical activity in the brain. This is just the tip of the iceberg so let’s hone in on ten.

  1. Earthing has been shown to reduce blood viscosity (thickness) and inflammation suggesting that it supports cardiovascular health.
  2. With earthing inflammation improves as the electrons from the earth are natures anti-oxidants
  3. Trial studies show that earthing has a calming and balancing effect on the autonomic nervous system which aids rest and sleep.
  4. Accelerated healing of injuries so if you hurt yourself get your bare feet or whole onto the ground
  5. One of the most dramatic demonstrations of the benefits of earthing is that it has been shown to reduce blood viscosity leading to less clumping of red blood cells which can be profoundly important for people with conditions of disturbed blood flow such as sickle cell anaemia
  6. Speaking in a live streamed YouTube video in 2021 entitled “Earthing Live with James Oschman PhD’ at around 17.51 minutes in Dr Oschman states: “In sickle cell anemia the red blood cells have a peculiar shape like a sickle” he goes on to explain that the cells won’t do that if your grounded as the red blood cells become coated with electrons and when they’re coated with electrons they repel eachother.
  7. Cortisol levels normalise enabling sleep to improve. (see 19.26 minutes)

Rubber and plastic soled shoes disconnect us electrically from the earth.

The implications of earthing research in both the medical and energy paradigms are profound.




3. Electric Universe Human metabolism Meets Cosmic Metabolism James Oschman – YouTube


5. 30 Benefits of Grounding: How Barefoot Walking + Earthing Affects Health (