Fermented Foods Workshop

“We are discovering that one of the keys to our well-being is the well-being of the mirco-flora with whom we share our bodies and with whom we co-evolved. And it looks like they really really like sauerkraut.”

~ Sandor Ellix Katz

​Grow Your Own Probiotics In A Jar

Join our one day practical hands-on workshop and learn how to make your own fermented foods prepared in a way that make the nutrients more bioavailable and easier to digest.

Why Fermented Foods?

There’s an entire eco system living on your skin and within you, in your respiratory
and reproductive tract and other tissue, but primarily in in your intestines – known as the
gut microbiome.

Your digestive tract is where it all begins when building a healthy immune system as up to 70% of your immune system is in your gut microbiome.

According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences; the microbiome is the collection of all microbes. This includes bacteria, fungi, viruses and their genes, which naturally live on our bodies and inside us.

Today there is much research confirming that 90% of the human body is formed of bacteria and that the community of microscopic life forms that live in our gut are a critical facet of our immune system.

These trillions of microbes known as our gut flora (or microbiota) can be influenced for better or worse by our emotions, our quality of sleep and particularly what we eat and drink.

As well as providing you with nutrients such as zinc, copper, B vitamins, and sulphur the daily habit of eating fermented foods help increase healthy intestinal bacteria as well as supporting your immune sysem in its job of fighting off inflammation and infection.

What Does the Workshop Cover?

Broken down into easy to learn steps the class will cover 2 methods of making vegetable ferments.  You will create a Vegetable ferment to take home with you.

Book Early as Spaces are Limited To Support An Optimum Learning Environment

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