TAF Community Bodywork


Recognizing the disproportionate prevalence of adverse health outcomes experienced in African Caribbean communities, TAF Community Bodywork exists to increase access to affordable, high quality, bodywork in a safe, accepting, welcoming, space.

In a world that tends to value effort and busyness, it’s easy to underestimate our essential need for integration and rest. Hence we envision a world where therapeutic massage, reflexology, polarity therapy, craniosacral therapy and other natural wellness modalities are affordable and available to everyone who needs them.


Our mission is to improve health outcomes by offering high quality, therapeutic services, that enable participants to experience the benefits of therapeutic bodywork first-hand.

What We Do

  • We provide services in therapeutic bodywork to help improve health outcomes for African Caribbean, children, young people and adults in a variety of settings, from social clubs to community groups and health fares.
  • Our wellness programme also includes a variety of educational workshops that enable participants to learn practical skills.

If your group or organization would like to benefit from our 6 week therapy wellness programme please get in touch using our contact form and a member of our staff will contact you within 48 hours.

If you would like us to consider arranging a bespoke workshop or course for your community group or organization please get in contact using our contact form and a member of our staff will contact you within 48 hours.

Initial Online Meeting

We will connect by video or phone before starting a course of treatment in person so that we can minimize speaking and reduce your time spent in the clinic. Please message us via the contact form to set this up.  
The consultation can be done from your home or work. During our chat:

  • You can give us a detailed description of your symptoms (what they feel like, where they are)
  • We will go over the clinic policies and procedures in case you have any questions
  • You will have access to the calendar to book subsequent appointments online

Whenever we haven’t seen a client for 3 months or more, we will require an online check-in to restart bodywork appointments.


We host a fortnightly clinic at

New Clients: Tuesday Mornings 10am pm -12 Returning Clients: Tuesday Afternoon 1pm – 4pm

Treatments are available by appointment only.

Our Fees

We want you to attend often enough to really get better, and the sliding scale is our way of helping you make that commitment. 

There is a one time £20 consultation fee for new clients and a £15 consultation fee for returning clients when it has been longer than 3 months since the last visit.

The cost for a one hour bodywork session is £20-60. What you pay does not affect the treatment that you receive.

Why pay more than the minimum? Paying the upper rate of £60 supports our capacity to provide services to people on low incomes.

 Payments can be made by cash or debit card

Craniosacral Therapy (CST)

CST is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system – comprised of the bones, membranes and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. For more information click here

What To Expect

At your first appointment plan for a total of up to 60 minutes with up to 45 minutes of hands on work. After a brief check in you will be invited to settle comfortably fully dressed (except your shoes) face up on a treatment table. Your head will be supported by a pillow and you will be offered a blanket to ensure that you are warm enough.

You will be invited to settle into the present by bringing your awareness to the presence of your breath and your body. With your permission – the practitioner will gently make hand contact with your body at various ‘listening’ stations including your head, neck arms, torso, back pelvis and legs.

During sessions some people experience sensations such as warmth tingling and streaming. Most people become deeply relaxed during treatment and experience a decrease in stress and tension resulting in less restriction and more mobility and it is not uncommon for people to fall asleep.

The Benefits

Craniosacral Therapy helps the body dissolve deep physical & emotional tensions and the energetic patterns that accompany them.

As your body sets the priorities for change you may find that the reason you came for sessions is not what changes first. For this reason you may want to consider having a series of sessions over a period of time to gain the full benefit of Craniosacral Therapy and its cumulative effects.

After Care

​The shifts and openings that begin to occour during sessions often continue unravelling for around 24-72 hours. Therefore after your session it is advisable to give yourself space for the process to continue and to allow time for integration, calm and rest.

Follow up session are 45 minutes and begin with a brief catch up to review how you have been since the previous session.