Fascial Unwinding

Why Fascial Unwinding?

Fascial unwinding can significantly improve the results of any approach to bodywork through an understanding of how fascia absorbs emotional tension and how fascial unwinding addresses tight, restricted tissues that contribute towards headaches, neck pain, frozen shoulder and chronic patterns of fatigue and ill health.

What is Fascia?

Fascia is a whole-body three dimensional structure of connective tissues that surrounds and holds every organ, bone, blood vessel, nerve fibre, and muscle in place. As fascia connects all systems in the body, the fascial system is fast becoming recognised as a system with profound and widespread significance for many aspects of health.

What are Fascial Restrictions?

Fascial restrictions show up as tension or stiffness in the fascia which can arise from many different factors such as everyday emotional tension, sprains, falls, accidents injuries, inflammation, post operative adhesions and scars.

What is Fascial Unwinding?

Fascial unwinding consists of various techniques, such as myofascial release and fascial stretching, that aims to release and mobilize fascia to reduce pain and discomfort and to improve overall flexibility function and health.